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What to Do About Your Problematic Skin

junio 28, 2019

Chances are, you’ve gone through a time in your life where you experienced problematic skin. Whether it was acne, blackheads, dark spots, or anything else on the skin care concern spectrum, the results were likely the same: it was not a whole lot of fun. Here, we’re sharing research on what you can do to help the appearance of problematic skin—whatever your concern may be—with a proper skin care routine.  

PROBLEM #1: Rosacea

Rosacea, which is marked by areas of red skin (usually on the nose and cheeks) is a very common skin disease, according to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD). While the exact causes of rosacea are still being determined by scientists, we do know some certainties about the condition: It’s more common in those with fair skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes, and it also runs in families, according to the AAD. Since rosacea can look similar to acne, you’ll want to make an appointment with a board-certified dermatologist if you suspect that you’re experiencing it. You can help keep up the appearance of your skin by first and foremost, wearing sunscreen every single day, especially because rosacea-prone skin is typically more sensitive to the sun. Use SPF 30 or higher, and also try to incorporate other sun protection measures such as seeking shade when outdoors. Additionally, the AAD recommends using mild skin care products and avoiding scrubs, which could irritate rosacea-prone skin.

PROBLEM #2: Eczema

Scientifically called atopic dermatitis, eczema is a skin condition marked by itchy skin and rashes. The term eczema is actually an umbrella term for a group of conditions that cause the skin to become red, itchy, bumpy, and overall inflamed, according to the Cleveland Clinic. The rashes can appear anywhere on the body, but they’re most common on the scalp and face, according to the AAD. It’s also more common in young children, but people of any age can experience it. Similar to rosacea, scientists aren’t exactly sure what causes eczema. According to the AAD, there are some skin care tips you can try incorporating into your routine if you have eczema. First off, try to use a cleanser that’s mild and also fragrance-free. Next, apply a moisturizer that is designed to help keep dryness and cracking at bay, making sure to look for a formula that's thick and creamy and fragrance-free.

PROBLEM #3: Cystic Acne

More painful than your average pimple, cystic acne is the most severe form of acne. It occurs when clogged pores become inflamed, according to the Cleveland Clinic. But, what causes the pore to become so inflamed and turn into a cyst? According to the AAD, inside the pore, bacteria are able to multiply quickly, and when this inflammation goes deep into the skin, a cyst forms. As if that weren’t bad enough, in addition to being super painful and annoying, cystic acne often leads to scarring afterward. The good news is that dermatologists have many ways to help control acne, although each treatment works differently on different people. This is why, if you do have severe cystic acne, you’ll want to work with a board-certified dermatologist to troubleshoot and figure out a regimen that works for you. As the AAD notes, while mild cases of acne can often be controlled by over-the-counter products formulated with ingredients like salicylic acid, treating cystic acne may require a prescription medication. This could include antibiotics (to kill bacteria), birth control pills (for women), or a medication called isotretinoin.

Additionally, even though acne can be caused by a multitude of different factors, there are some triggers that are known, according to the Mayo Clinic. These include hormones, certain medications (including corticosteroids), a diet high in dairy, carbohydrates, and refined sugars, and stress. Yes, that’s right—stress itself can trigger a breakout! May we suggest killing two birds with one stone and treating yourself to a stress-reducing session complete with a face mask? Apply a light layer of the L'Oréal Paris Pure-Clay Detox & Brighten Face Mask then sit back, relax, and feel your stress melt away.

PROBLEM #4: Blackheads

What are these pesky black spots around your nose? Yep, those are blackheads. According to the AAD, blackheads form when dead skin cells and bacteria block pores. If the pore closes, it becomes a whitehead, but if the pore remains open, it’s called a blackhead, because when the gunk inside of the pore hits the air it oxidizes and turns a blackish hue. In other words, blackheads have nothing to do with dirt or being dirty! If you have blackhead-prone skin, try using a gentle facial scrub, such as the L'Oréal Paris Pure-Sugar Purify & Unclog Kiwi Scrub a few times a week. This sugar scrub, which is formulated with real kiwi seeds plus a blend of three pure sugars, gently exfoliates skin’s surface to purify. After one week of use pores and blackheads are less visible.

So, what’s next? Well, after managing and caring for your problematic skin you may still be left with scarring. That’s why you’ll want to learn the answer to one major question: Can You Get Rid of Acne Scars?

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